No More Closing Costs – No More Hassle – No More Time Reset


Keep Your Money to Yourself with Paidoff™



RIP Refinancing

Say goodbye to expensive refinancing that resets your clock. With Paidoff™, there is no time reset.  The front-loaded interest is not paid for the next 10-15 years. There is no zigzagging through all the hassles and headaches of the expensive refinancing process every 5 to 7 years to improve your financial situation or tap into your equity.

Buyer Beware!

Most borrowers concentrate solely on the interest rate instead of on long-term refinancing consequences. With Paidoff™, the interest rate does not matter much due to the fast drop in principal balance. Homeowners who refinance to get a “better” interest rate and then sell their homes within 3-5 years lose most of their refinancing benefits because they have not let the loan mature long enough to reap the benefits. This is like flushing money down the drain. Homeowners are usually aware of the apparent closing costs, such as origination fees, appraisal costs, lender underwriting fees, and other closing costs. It may take 3 to 5 years for homeowners to recoup these costs.


The main focus should be the loan balance and the payoff speed, NOT the interest rate.   Paidoff™ makes it incredibly easy and practical to pay off your loan balance much faster because your entire payment goes to the Principal.  Secondly, you only pay Simple Interest, not Compound Interest.  Our Formula.


Freddie Mac

In February 2023, the Federal Housing Financing Agency increased the upfront fees for most cash-out refinance loans. In addition, Freddie Mac changed its refinance requirement for primary homes from 6 to 12 months. This means you must wait 12 months to get new cash out after buying a house, getting a rate-and-term, or getting a cash-out refi. These changes benefit the mortgage industry by protecting their investment and ensuring higher profitability.


Paidoff™ Eliminates the Need to Refinance Forever!

There is no need to worry about incurring extra closing costs that result in a higher loan balance and more interest payments. Instead, you will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your home will be paid off much faster, and you will have a 30-year Line of Credit funds available to build your wealth and to live your life!

  • No more hassle finding and submitting all the financial documents in hopes of qualifying.
  • No expensive closing costs to increase your loan balance and add years to your mortgage to break even.
  • No need to worry about time reset, which takes you back to where you are mainly paying interest again instead of principal.

Paidoff™, You will have Peace of Mind.

Your home will be paid off Much Faster, and you will have a 30-year Line of Credit.


The Holy Grail of Mortgages™ 

 Click on the Schedule a Free Consultation button or contact us to learn more about this Paidoff™ gift
and how to pay off your home Much Faster