"I killed our Mortgage": Colorado Mom shares how she paid off her home in 1.5 Years - and how you can copy her plan - PaidOff

Post by: / May 22, 2024

“I killed our Mortgage”: Colorado Mom shares how she paid off her home in 1.5 Years – and how you can copy her plan

Paying off your mortgage is monumental and doing it in 1.5 years is unheard of but not for one Colorado mom who became mortgage-free so quickly.



Irina Saveliev founded Paidoff™ because she wants others to pay off their homes Much Faster. She doesn’t want homeowners to be slaves to their mortgages and buried in debt. She is quickly becoming known as Irina—The Mortgage Breaker—because she is breaking the traditional way people finance their homes and reducing the time it takes to pay off their homes.  They are doing it Much Faster!


Irina examines and  explains why homeowners will probably have very limited success paying off their homes fast if  they follow the current advice on the internet, such as:

  • Refinance to a 15-Year Mortgage. Most people are already struggling to pay for their current 30-year Fixed mortgage. Interest rates have doubled in the past couple of years, and with a shorter-term mortgage, the required payment will be much higher.  Not an option for most.


  • Cut Your Expenses. Most people are already living paycheck to paycheck and have probably cut unneeded expenses from their budgets.   This is like putting a bandaid on a gushing wound; not much relief is available.


  • Increase Your Income. Many people are already working a second or third job to increase their income and keep up with the high cost of living due to inflation. There are only 24 hours a day, and these people are tired of trying to keep their heads above water.


  • Make Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payments. This strategy is the same as making one extra payment a year. If the lender allows this option, it is better than doing nothing.


  • Downsize. This option doesn’t make any sense at all.  Sell your large home to buy a smaller house with a similar payment as you already have due to the much higher interest rates or to pay skyrocketing rent that is probably about the same as your current mortgage payment.  Plus, all your home equity would be lost if you chose this option.  Not an option for Most!


Irina recommends a proven, more effective way for homeowners to pay off their homes Much Faster without changing their lifestyle! A 30-year First Position Home Equity Line of Credit, HELOC.  It combines the homeowner’s checking with their mortgage with a line of credit.  They work seamlessly together 24/7.   Paidoff™  is structured to benefit the Homeowner instead of the Banks!


Since Paidoff™  is structured and functions so differently than the traditional mortgage that everyone is familiar with, Irina created The Much Faster Formula©.  She breaks it down in a simple, easy explanation to understand why Paidoff™ homeowners will pay off their homes in a fraction of the time compared to the old regular method.



The Much Faster Formula© Works in ANY Economy.

Click Here
to Learn More and to Watch a short video on the The Much Faster Formula© .